Free stylin' rap at the 140 Characters Conference in NYC this week....
In the interacting with television in real time session at 140 Character Conference, Steve Garfield (@stevegarfield) chats with CBS Backstage LIVE Producer Rick Borutta (@CBSborutta) and NBC's Gavin Purcell (@gavinpurcell).... unveiled a new Twitter service code-named called Hoopoe this morning at the 140 Character Conference in New York. Hoopoe, now in alpha, delivers instant instant to users who tweet their questions to @AnswersDotCom or...
I spent a rainy and windy Sunday and night at the Jenner Inn last week on the Sonoma Coast but it was a wonderful experience because of the hospitality of Richard Murphy, the inn owner....
When it comes to cooking, I subscribe very much to the “George’s Marvellous Medicine” school of culinary creation. I’ve got jars of spices and all sorts around the place and sometimes even I don’t know...
Chris Weingarten (@1000TimesYes) is on the 140 Character Conference stage in NYC talking about Twitter and the Death of Rock Criticism: Music is Math. He says, "Good writing died at the birth of search engine...
The 140 Conference kicks off with a broad range of ten minute interviews with movers and shakers across a variety of different industries, ranging from evolution of people and places (@dharple), social media strategists from...
Tiger Balm Tales Vol. 22
Best and the Worst of the Annapurna Circuit
Near the end of hiking the circuit, my father and I reminisced on some of our best and worst experiences over the past 21...
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