A really quick list of Swedish phrases to know. Even though everyone in our generation speaks English, it’s always nice to throw a few words here and there in Swedish.
ja – yes
nej – no
tack –...
“The bontebocks, above all appeared in flocks of two thousand at least. I am persuaded that this day, buffaloes, antelopes of all kinds, zebras and ostriches, I had before my eyes at one time more...
CrisisCongress Photo Courtesy of Taylor Davidson on Flickr
Back in January, when the earthquake happened in Haiti, I felt like I do in all catastrophic disasters. Sick to my stomach. Human suffering is always hard to...
The new Kindle will reach mass market status at the magical $99 price point
As Amazon plans to release a cheaper Kindle next month, the smaller, lighter, faster, brighter e-reader will actually reach “mass market” status...
Is China really the next frontier?
Is China really the next Silicon Valley? As much as I respect Steve Blank opinions, I don’t think so.
As Blank pointed it out in his magistral lecture yesterday about “The...
When you talk about dominance, numbers speak louder than pages of reports written. Google, the name itself recalls a Goliath in the search market game, and the latest numbers seal its reputation. The...
"A bad film is a bad film," - Hollywood executive.
This time last year, Hollywood was all over Twitter as the phenomenon to make or break a film. Reportedly, the much-anticipated Sacha Baron Cohen follow-up...
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