In a city that revolves around all things culinary, creating a standout wine, food and spirits event seems a tall order. The forthcoming SF Chefs 2010 aims to do that by being bigger - exponentially...
As you may well know, there are myriad top-notch brands that are just gagging to be associated with the success story.
Every morning I wake up to an inbox chock-a-block with offers of free suites...
It appears that there is an air of acquisition, especially in the social media arena. Facebook has been up with acquiring patents from Friendster, Google is looking ahead to get deals with...
Smoking gets a bad press. England footballer Wayne Rooney gets a bad press. Put the two together and what do you get? You get the sickeningly sanctimonious London Daily Mail, desperate to flog more papers,...
The Golden Temple, Amritsar
BreatheDreamGo is thrilled to welcome photographer Dave Bouskill and his glorious photograph of the Golden Temple in Amritsar, Punjab, India as Photo of the Week. The Golden Temple is the centre of...
Nigeria is now officially 50 years old. The labours of our heroes past are truly not in vain. Yet we are confronted daily with problems that seem sometimes to be insurmountable. In my opinion one...
Gables in the Sky
To celebrate the announcement this week that Amsterdam’s Canal District was added to the UNESCO’s World Heritage Site list – I bring you Amsterdam.
The homes along the ring canals of Amsterdam are...
Photo Credit to James Duncan DavidsonHaegwan Kim (HK); When and why did you decide to get involved in the world of computer science?NT; I was a kid growing up in New Zealand and I...
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