In my nine years in the United States, I've only encountered two people who've heard of Mauritius (and no, I haven't been on death row for nine years). One of them is the founder of...
“Breakthrough” is a new summer reality show on NBC with Tony Robbins, which started last week. Many know Tony from his empowerment seminars and audiotapes, which are marketed worldwide, making Tony Robbins synonymous with motivation...
Have you ever seen the expression on the face of a kid who has been failing continually and then gets a better percentage, out of the blues? Well Microsoft’s Internet Explorer might paint...
Phillies fans hope to get a souvenir hit to left field during batting practice at Citizens Bank Park....
Japanese people like Japanese beef because it is authentic.
Japanese beef is gorgeous. It is often eaten on special occasions. As the country became wealthy, the consumption of meat increased. But it does not always mean...
I’ve been thinking about developing a personality. No, not mine. I gave up on that some time ago. Earthworms have got the jump on me. Not my fault I like to wear an anorak, write...
A lot of South Africans have a close relationship with beer. In fact, I’ve just enjoyed a dirty weekend with Ms Birkenhead, the pride of Stanford. But I’ll spare you the sordid details.
Rather focus, if...
ParcoDons: old school parking meters converted into donation boxes for homeless charities.
ParcoDons were invented in Montreal where 70 old, unused mechanical parking meters were repurposed into collection facilities for donations. The actual design of the...
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