The Sinai Desert is in Egypt and includes the Red Sea. The region is famous for two reasons: outstanding scuba divingand Mount Sinai, which is a key Christian monument.
There are a number of diving sites in the...
My conceit, when I started making infographics, was simple. I believed this was a *new way* of expressing and visualizing information, a thoroughly modern and zeitgeisty fusion of data and design. Oh you muppet David.
Much was made, prior to the Oscars telecast, that THIS ONE was going to be WAY DIFFERENT! Younger hosts! Shake it up! Why, James Franco was on Twitter (as was his Mom and Grandmom)! New!...
Sunrise on the Ganga River, Rishidwar, India
Song of creation: first words recorded
The gramophone (aka record player) was invented by Thomas Alva Edison in the United States in the 19th century. For the first recording, and...
We've got a cupid in our midst. A glove cupid. A bright green thing that collects lonely gloves and searches for their mates.
A big thank you to Caroline, a fan and friend of Green Thing...
The route bounced my UAZ Russian jeep on unpaved roadways through the grassy steppes and hills. The weather in early autumn here is unpredictable. Strong winds tear in from Siberia and with it the elements....
Spruce Food Market on Spruce Street in the Rittenhouse Square district....
A huge mural looks over the landscape from the side of Benjamin Franklin High School....
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