So why are Kenyan runners so fast?
This question has been asked to me almost once a week since I have been here in Kenya. Honestly, I was a little curious myself. Hence, I’ve dedicated the...
Revelers on the evening before King’s Day, at the Utrecht vrijmarkt, Friday, April 25.
If this were a sci-fi tale, it would begin with an extraterrestrial creature painting the Netherlands in a day-glow orange with magical properties...
The Great Himalayan National Park is undoubtedly the most pristine mountain landscape in the Western Himalayas…and perhaps the planet. From the Andes to Nepal and Tibet, to the mountains of Eastern Europe and Western China...
“This city will always have my heart,” D says to me, as we drive across the Delaware River into Philadelphia by way of our favorite two-dollar bridge.
“Ann Arbor might be your new home for the...
Among others, here are some great reasons to visit Kerala and why it should be on your hit list.
1. There’s Great Hiking
I never realized India had such great hiking. Silent Valley National Park has amazing...
“You are most welcome,” says Sinta, an Indian woman dressed in a teal housecoat and saree , as she performs a traditional Indian welcoming ceremony. As camphor burns in a coconut husk, she places a...
Before arriving in Guatemala’s Antigua I was told hiking the active Pacaya Volcano was a must-have experience. I read articles and talked to locals, most touting the excursion as exciting and talking of beautiful sunsets...
Overlooking Turkey’s north coast, the Sumela Monastery sits up in the Pontic Mountains. They seem to be suspended in air, as if it’s about to float off over the deep chasm below. The 1600 year...
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