In 2002, Kaikoura, New Zealand, became the world's first Green Globe certified community. Previously known for the pods of dusky dolphins that cruise the nearby coastline, visitors now flock to this South Island town for...
Australia may be the world's biggest island, but citizens of its six states and two territories will tell you how different each region is. Along its coastline, hundred of smaller islands offer guests the opportunity to...
As wearables continue to be the big tech trend going into 2014, I have taken a look at Sony’s third version of a smartwatch, the snappily titled Sony SmartWatch 2:
I actually found it really useful...
Richard Crawford, a luxury lifestyle expert who provides content for the marketing of luxury brands, just announced the launch of his company Richard Crawford Luxury. As part of this launch, he is also unveiling an...
I had been wanting to go to Chile for many years now - why it took so long to get to South America is one of those random things as I wrote about here. This past...
There are many reasons to visit Laos when you traveling through Southeast Asia. Stunning waterfalls, healthy and full of flavors food, smiley locals who will invite you home and show you around, Buddhist temples, undiscovered by...
The birds in my left peripheral view flying above the somber but pretty caramel and soft saffron vegetation reminded me that I was a long way from home. It was cool, not cold and we...
As someone who loves warm weather and sun beating on my face, its astonishing that I've spent so much time in the past two years in cold weather climates. From Paris in the dead of...
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