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Betty Friedan’s The Feminine Mystique: A Look at Progress 50 Years Later

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This week marks the 50th anniversary of the publication of "The Feminine Mystique." It’s hard to underestimate the earthshaking effect Betty Friedan’s book had on American women’s lives back then. Many of you weren’t yet born, or...
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5 Fascinating Reasons to Head to the Islamic Republic of Mauritania

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The Islamic Republic of Mauritania–neatly sandwiched between Morocco, Mali, Algeria, Senegal, and the sweep of the Atlantic Ocean–is not one frequented by many travelers, and honestly, why should it be? Covered mostly by desert, with the...
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Nicaragua’s Ometepe Island For Your Own (Nearly) Private Paradise

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For most travelers, Nicaragua is the forgotten stepchild of Latin America. Your typical tourist gravitates more naturally to Nicaragua's better known neighbors: Mexico, Costa Rica and Panama. These countries immediately call to mind a clear...
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