3 Quirky Museums of Paris You May Not Have Run Across

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porcelain doll

In Paris, here are some smaller and quirkier museums here that you mightn’t have come across …

Musée des Vampires (Museum of Vampires)

This unique almost Parisian museum (it’s at the end of a metro line in Lilas) houses 1500 books on the theme of vampirism and related subjects, 870 films, vampire slaying tools and an autographed portrait of Bram Stoker and some of the actors who have portrayed the godfather of them all, Dracula.

Guided tours are run and you can also make dinner reservations in the museum where talks and games can be arranged for your amusement.

QT hasn’t been to this one yet, but intends to do so next time we’re in Paris. For an article written by someone who has, have a look at this post on www.coolstuffinparis.com

Normal entrance price is $7 but for $32 you can have the tour, a guided walk to Père Lachaise, lunch and a book thrown in!

I’ve found a blog and a website for the museum, both listed below and would advise phoning or emailing beforehand – again, details below:

Musée des Vampires

14 Rue Jules David, 93260 Les Lilas
To reserve, phone +33 143628076/+ 33 620122832 or email museedesvampires@wanadoo.fr
Metro Porte or Mairie des Lilas
Websites Musée des Vampires main site in French and English or  Musee des Vampires blog in French only

Apparently the proprietor speaks very good English so do ask so don’t be afraid to ring!

Musée de de la Magie (Museum of Magic)

This is a museum dedicated to the art known since 1815 as prestidigitation. It features real magic shows and instruments for “physical amusement” – those that make objects disappear included.

You’ll see the actual boxes used for sawing women in half (always women…?), secret boxes, mirror games, optical illusions and magical robots. The collection was put together by magician Georges Proust.

Musée de la Curiosité et de la Magie

11, rue saint Paul 75004
Open Wednesday, Saturday and Sunday from 14:00 to 19:00 all year. Website: Musée de la Magie
Metro St Paul

Musée de la Poupée (Doll Museum)

Slightly strange, this one, but there’s nothing wrong with that. It’s a museum of dolls and there are some mighty unnerving ones in this place. They have a permanent exhibition of over 500 dolls dating from 1800, and you’ll see a selection on the baby doll page from the website of the Musée de la Poupée. They also run family activities and operate a doll’s hospital. Dolls, toys and books about dolls are sold in the shop. A current temporary exhibition on Barbie and Ken in historical costume, as well as 50 years of Ken being a male role model (?) is running until September 2011.

Musée de la Poupée

Impasse Berthaud (near 22 rue Beaubourg), 75003
Open from Tuesday to Sunday from 10:00 to 18:00 Closed on Mondays and public holidays.
Website www.museedelapoupeeparis.com
Metro Rambuteau

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