What We Can Learn from Superheroes on Vimeo
“You have all the power you need for the task you have ahead of you!” so smiles Nilofer Merchant, CEO of Rubicon Consulting, a strategy and marketing consultancy. Her talk (captured on the link above) takes you down the streets of Gotham in the batmobile exploring the stuff that made the dreams of Batman and Superman.
Far-fetched? Not really. It is beliefs that shape our journeys. And being brave enough to speak out and talk about your belief will give you the opportunity to be heard. It is the voice heard that will eventually give the idea, the dream, the vision the chance to materialize. And, voices heard, create responses, dialogues, exchanges and an occasional inside-out-of-the-box kind of thinking.
Some will stumble on opposition. Some will find alliances and others will either fight or quit the battles. But it’s the power of the ideas and the beliefs that will have had their moment and the chance to shine, create and discover. So, speak up – find your voice and claim your power – it’s yours for the taking.
Leda Karabela’s career focus has been building alliances with and among institutional stakeholders, which spans 25 years of experience in international management, public affairs, strategic marketing and philanthropy. Her primary focus has been external audiences, such as opinion leaders, media, customers, and donors.
Today, she is bringing her executive experience into the field of coaching, realizing her passion for people, the ways they click and connect with each other, helping clients discover the power within them to improve their performance, effectiveness and reach. Having held responsibilities for global projects and working with virtual teams in multiple countries for Fortune 50 companies such as BP and Microsoft, she has also led the corporate relations program at the Stanford University Graduate School of Business and has lived in Boston, San Francisco, London, Athens and Dubai.